Wednesday, May 21, 2014

I just HAD TO!

Dedicated to a friend who gave up finally, after 1 year of my endless nagging and killing of his buzz.

Someone said to me today- " You need to loosen up man! You're what, 21 and soo uptight. Take a drag yaar, enjoy your youth, consequences baad mein dekh lena. I personally live for the NOW." I controlled my anger building up like a storm and replied semi- calmly (I think!)- " I'm all for enjoying one's youth but I also want to enjoy my future, live a happy, long, healthy life and die peacefully without regretting the indiscretions of these wonder years. I don't want to have to say going for my 50th chemo that I regret my past. The person smirked and continued unaffected- "ull never change."

Indifference or just plain mob mentality, I ask myself.

For the smokers out there give it up now! Not after this diwali, not after new year's eve, NOW. Don't be the reason for the unassuming pregnant woman sitting next to you giving birth to an asthmatic child.  Don't be a passive killer. Take charge. For all those who bring a certain poetic sentimentality to the habit remember that the literary figures propagating the addiction almost always suffered dire consequences. The poetry is limited to celluloid or the browned pages of those intensely romantic novels. The reality is much more bleak and much less wonderfully cinematic. For all those who feel it calms them, go smell the roses literally, take a walk, inhale fresh air not toxic fumes. For all those citing a bohemian devil may care attitude, remember that life is not lived by us simple souls in isolation. Don't be the reason for a troubled mother (worrying about the stubs increasing with every day's passionate consumption) or a conflicted child who will definitely emulate your example. Remember life is a circle involving more than just one pit stop. Make each stage count. Live long, happy, healthy and die peacefully.

P.S.- for all those making the first step with the acute realization on looking in the mirror after 2 years' incessant consumption that the wrinkles got more pronounced, the teeth got more stained, Kudos. keep it up and remember baby steps and that it takes just one. :) :)

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