Friday, May 30, 2014

Things that make me happy even on the greyest of days: maybe they’ll ake YOU smile too...

A wide toothy smile from a crush…call me traditional..but a smile is all I need..the people I get most attracted to ( in both the romantic and non- romantic sense) are the ones who smile with their eyes and smile with gay abandon..teeth all up for appraisal..its so refreshing to see a genuine smile in a sea of fake courtesy ridden grins..:)

Dogs..of all kinds..mangy street dogs or the ” well bred ” owned by elites for the status symbol variety..In fact all animals..except cats and birds, the former i find cold and the latter i find my dullest and most cynical of moods i find comfort in the fact that innocence still exists in the world in the souls of animals…:) i have four dogs of my own and i can honestly say their company is much more special to me than any of my friends’..they are forgiving and determinedly loyal..and freakishly they get all my moods..

Nature in all its pristine, unspoilt glory..I come from a state which is known for its natural beauty and true to roots charm..and whenever I feel sad or angry, the memory of long walks in hill country with the chirping of birds..and vistas of green fields and me hope that things will take a turn for the better..A GOD which has created all these marvels cannot be so unkind as to make me suffer forever..:)

Unexpected acts of kindness..need I explain to interpretation

Food: Warm, simple home food …I sincerely believe that good food is a cure for the dullest of moods..i love cooking and am also quite good at it..(modesty is something i need to work on)! even cooking for others gives me great pleasure..the feeling of contentment experienced after people appreciate and enjoy a meal you slaved over is better than eating good food..FOOD is therapeutic for me..

My Mom: I’m a total and absolute and unabashedly mamma’s girl..I can live without my brother and my dad…without my Mom, I’d rather not exist..she’s a friend first, parent later which make her super cool and very very enviable..:)

My brother: I’m not very close to him but he IS my only sibling..they say you value things more when you cant get them, in my case see them more often.And the distance and relative lack of conversation makes me- cherish the memories of those moments when he’s beaten up the school bully because he stole my hairband..all the pictures with him kissing me and later declaring to everyone with great and obvious pride: SHE’ MY LIL SISTER. ISN’T SHE SO CUTE..things change but i know the love lies somewhere even if its deep deep down hidden.

My father: who in his own mumbling, awkward, a lil shy way expresses how much he misses me..I may not relate to his longing but I sure do understand its value..:) And am so much like him..whenever I am frustrated with life and the path its taking..I try to imagine my DAD a quintessential family man and what he would do, how he would a certain hopeless situation or accomplish a daunting task.

There are soo many more things that make me happy and even more reasons that make me find the strength to stand tall through tough times and CHANGE….to know this..and THEN appreciate all the things that make YOU smile..there are tears aplenty so find the will to be remembering all such things in YOUR life..

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